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"Captivating Air Views: A Glimpse into the Past" Step back in time with these incredible air views captured in Salkhad, Syria, in 1934. From the enchanting pyramids of Cairo to the serene beauty of El-Gezireh Island, this collection takes us on a mesmerizing journey through Palestine and beyond. Witness the breathtaking landscapes as we soar above Jordan Lake's winding waters and explore the upper Galilee region. The South Sea of Galilee beckons from Semakh, inviting us to immerse ourselves in its tranquility. Marvel at Alexandria Harbour's bustling activity from a bird's eye perspective, offering a general view that captures its vibrant essence. Behold the awe-inspiring sight of water being impounded by Jordan Dam in Palestine – an engineering marvel that harnesses nature's power. Trace an ancient path along the old Jerusalem-Jericho air route and discover Tel Aviv's stunning coastline as it stretches towards the southwest. Experience firsthand how inflow shapes Jordan Lake Gennesaret while admiring West Jerusalem nestled amidst Judean mountains. Delve deeper into history as we witness El Jib Gibeon unfold before our eyes – a testament to human civilization spanning centuries. And finally, gaze upon Newer Jerusalem with its iconic Y. M. C. A King David building standing tall against modernity. These air views offer more than just picturesque scenes; they provide glimpses into cultures past and present. Join us on this captivating journey through time and space as we uncover hidden treasures from above.