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"Ann Ronan Pictures: A Glimpse into History's Canvas" Step into the enchanting world of Ann Ronan Pictures, where art and history intertwine to tell captivating stories. Explore "I am half sick of shadows, " a mesmerizing masterpiece by John William Waterhouse that transports you to an era filled with mystery and allure. Feel the thunderous charge at Waterloo through "Scotland for Ever; the charge of the Scots Greys at Waterloo, 18 June 1815. " Witness bravery personified as these valiant soldiers fearlessly face their destiny on the battlefield. Meet Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, lst Viscount Baden-Powell, an English soldier whose legacy continues to inspire generations. Discover his remarkable journey and unwavering dedication in service to his country. Marvel at the regal presence of Elizabeth I, Queen of England and Ireland. George Gower's exquisite portrayal captures her majesty during a pivotal moment in history when England stood against all odds. Immerse yourself in Jean Francois Millet's iconic painting, "The Angelus, " which beautifully depicts a serene moment amidst rural life. Let its tranquil ambiance transport you to simpler times filled with contemplation and gratitude. Experience heart-wrenching emotions in "Twixt Love and Duty, " a poignant piece from 1914 that explores the eternal struggle between personal desires and societal obligations. Uncover ancient trade routes with a map showcasing the extent of the Hanseatic League around 1400. Trace their paths across Europe as they shaped commerce and culture during medieval times. Delve into Mayan civilization through a page from the Dresden Codex, a precious Maya manuscript preserving their rich heritage. Decode intricate symbols that reveal profound insights into their cosmology and wisdom. Witness political satire come alive in John Tenniel's thought-provoking artwork titled "Dropping The Pilot. " Reflect upon its underlying message about leadership choices during a critical era.