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The apostles, chosen by Jesus Christ himself, played a pivotal role in spreading his teachings and establishing the foundation of Christianity. Their unwavering faith and dedication to their mission are beautifully depicted in various artworks throughout history. In "Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet, " we witness an act of humility as Jesus washes his disciples' feet, symbolizing servitude and love. This powerful fresco from 1305 captures the essence of selflessness that defined these apostles. "Saint Matthew and the Angel" showcases a destroyed artwork but still resonates with its portrayal of divine guidance. Painted in 1602, this oil on canvas piece depicts Saint Matthew receiving inspiration from an angel, emphasizing the spiritual connection between heaven and earth. "The Ascension of Christ, " portrayed through a color lithograph, illustrates Jesus ascending into heaven after his resurrection. This momentous event signifies his triumph over death and serves as a source of hope for believers. "The Crucifixion of Saint Andrew" portrays one of the twelve apostles facing martyrdom for his faith. The emotional intensity captured in this oil on canvas painting reminds us of the sacrifices made by those who spread Christianity against all odds. A detail from "The Triptych of the Last Supper" offers insight into this significant event where Jesus shared his final meal with his disciples before crucifixion. Painted between 1464-68 using oil on panel technique, it immortalizes an intimate moment filled with symbolism and foreshadowing. Multiple depictions titled "Last Supper" further emphasize its importance within Christian artistry. These paintings capture different interpretations while highlighting unity among the apostles during this crucial gathering. "The Altarpiece of Holy Sacrament, " created between 1464-68 using oil on panel technique, presents another glimpse into religious devotion through intricate details surrounding The Last Supper sceneā€”a testament to both artistic skill and spiritual significance. Engravings like "The Soldiers about to bind St.