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Beefly Collection

The beefly, scientifically known as Bombylius major, is a fascinating insect that can be found in various gardens across Surrey and other parts of England

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The beefly, scientifically known as Bombylius major, is a fascinating insect that can be found in various gardens across Surrey and other parts of England. This large bee-fly is often spotted nectaring on different flowers, showcasing its unique feeding habits. One such sighting captured the beauty of nature as the beefly hovered over Lungwort (Pulmonaria sp), delicately sipping nectar from its vibrant blossoms. In another instance, a common bee fly was seen indulging in the sweet nectar of a Greater periwinkle flower (Vinca major). The beefly's interaction with plants doesn't end at mere nourishment; it also plays an essential role in pollination. A stunning photograph revealed a Bee-fly with blue pollen adorning its head while it fed on Rock soapwort (Saponaria ocymoides). This image serves as a reminder of how these tiny creatures contribute to the ecosystem's balance. Primrose (Primula vulgaris) seemed to be another favorite among these buzzing insects. Numerous sightings showcased the Common bee fly gracefully hovering above Primrose blooms or gently landing on them for sustenance. Not limited to specific plant species, the versatile beefly was also observed enjoying Goat willow (Salix caprea) catkins and Darwins barberry (Berberis darwinii). These encounters highlight their adaptability and ability to find nourishment wherever they go. As spring arrived, so did more opportunities to witness these magnificent creatures in action. March brought forth images capturing Common bee flies feasting on Honesty (Lunaria annua), while April showcased their adult counterparts delighting in Aubretia flowers. In May, Sheffield became home to mesmerizing scenes where Common Bee-flies fluttered through the air while feeding on Aubretia flowers. Their graceful flight patterns added an extra touch of elegance to this already captivating sight. Nature never fails to surprise us with its intricate relationships.