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"Coffering: Unveiling the Artistic Splendor of Italy's Architectural Masterpieces" Embark on a journey through Europe's architectural wonders, as we delve into the captivating world of coffering. Our first stop takes us to Rome, where the arch of Septimus Severus in the Forum Romanum awaits our arrival at sunrise. The golden rays illuminate this ancient masterpiece, showcasing its intricate coffered design that has withstood the test of time. Next, we find ourselves mesmerized by the vault of the Chamber of Cupid and Psyche (Sala di Amore e Psiche), a true gem from 1526-1528. Its coffered ceiling transports us to a realm where love and beauty intertwine effortlessly. As we gaze upon Psyche eating in Cupid's house, depicted in another stunning caisson from this chamber, we are reminded of their timeless tale. Venturing further into Italy's artistic heritage, we encounter a lunette depicting Psyche undertaking an ordeal set by Venus - an exquisite portrayal found within the Sala di Amore e Psiche. This room is adorned with celestial scenes that captivate our imagination and transport us to mythical realms. The Birth of Memnon greets us next; its ceiling painting adorning the loggia of Appartamento della Grotto enchants with its grandeur and divine artistry. Each stroke tells a story as vibrant as life itself. Moving forward in time but not lacking in splendor, we marvel at the coffered ceiling inside a chapel dating back to c. 1522 - an awe-inspiring testament to craftsmanship that stands tall amidst history's pages. Our exploration wouldn't be complete without glimpsing into one of Rome's most iconic structures - Pantheon. A cross-section illustration reveals its magnificent coffered dome which continues to inspire architects worldwide even today.