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Welcome to the Greater Antilles, a stunning region in the heart of the Caribbean and Central America. As you stroll along Harbour Drive in George Town, Grand Cayman, you'll be captivated by the vibrant stores that line this bustling street. The Cayman Islands are just one gem in this archipelago known as the Greater Antilles. Take a step back in time with a glance at an 1864 map of Panama, showcasing the historical significance of this region. From political alliances like Khrushchev and Castro to breathtaking destinations like Punta Cana Region in the Dominican Republic, there is so much to explore here. Indulge yourself at Iberostar Grand Hotel with its pool view overlooking Bavaro's enchanting scenery during evening hours. Or witness nature's beauty firsthand at Ricks Cafe at dusk, where West End Negril comes alive against a backdrop of picturesque sunsets. For music enthusiasts and fans of Bob Marley alike, Nine Mile offers an elevated view into his birthplace within Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica. Immerse yourself further into history with a vintage map from the 1860s depicting West India Islands - it's like stepping back through time. Nature lovers will find solace amidst Brown Pelicans gracefully gliding over Great Bay Beach or while exploring Dunns River Falls in Ocho Rios' Saint Ann Parish. And if you're seeking tranquility on Winnifred Beach or embarking on an adventure along Blue Mountain Peak Trail towards Whitfield Hall Mountain Refuge - these experiences will leave lasting memories etched within your soul. Of course, no visit would be complete without basking under the warm Caribbean sun on Seven Mile Beach in George Town. This stretch of paradise perfectly encapsulates all that makes Greater Antilles truly remarkable - pristine sands meeting crystal-clear waters beneath endless blue skies. So come and discover for yourself why Greater Antilles is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes, and warm hospitality.