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"Karl Buhl: Exploring the Beauty of Lighthouses and Beyond" Embarking on a journey across North America, Karl Buhl captures the essence of captivating destinations. Starting at The Sanibel Island Light or Point Ybel Light, one of the first lighthouses, he immerses himself in Florida's charm on Sanibel Island. Continuing his exploration in Florida, Karl finds himself mesmerized by the stunning sunset at Fort Myers Beach Pier. As he travels further south to Key West, he reaches mile zero on US Route 1, marking an iconic spot in North America. Venturing beyond American shores, Karl sets foot on Dominica Island in the West Indies. Enchanted by its beauty and tranquility, he discovers one of Dominica's hidden gems as the sun sets over the Gulf of Mexico on Sanibel Island. Seeking more adventures in Florida, Karl heads to Tampa Bay where he encounters the magnificent Sunshine Skyway Bridge. Its grandeur leaves him awestruck as he captures its majesty through his lens. Leaving no stone unturned in his quest for discovery, Karl then embarks on a voyage to Marie-Galante Island in Guadeloupe. This French West Indies gem offers breathtaking landscapes that leave an indelible mark on his soul. As his journey nears its end, Karl takes a detour to Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia. Standing before the Capitol Building and Grand structures steeped with history and significance fills him with awe and appreciation for America's past. Through his photography lens and adventurous spirit, Karl Buhl showcases not only picturesque locations but also invites us to embrace our wanderlust while discovering new horizons filled with natural wonders and cultural treasures alike.