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Matthew Collection (#45)

Matthew, the guardian angel of history, has left his mark throughout the ages. In 1897, a stunning illustration in the Book of Kells depicted St

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Matthew, the guardian angel of history, has left his mark throughout the ages. In 1897, a stunning illustration in the Book of Kells depicted St. Matthew with intricate detail and devotion. Inspired by faith, he transcribed The Lord's Prayer for all to seek solace in its words. The portrait of Saint Matthew found within the ancient Lindisfarne Gospels showcases his divine presence illuminated around 700 AD. As if transcending time itself, this depiction captures his essence as a guiding force for humanity. In an unexpected twist, Matthew's influence extends beyond religious realms into sports and geography. A group photo immortalizes him as part of the Millwall Athletic football team - showcasing his versatility and love for competition. Matthew Paris' map from 1250 reveals another facet of his character - a cartographer mapping rivers and towns across England and Wales with meticulous precision. His attention to detail is evident even centuries later. But it doesn't stop there; Matthew's impact reaches far beyond borders or fields. Ciro Ferri's artwork "The Guardian Angel" pays homage to Pietro da Cortona while capturing Matthew's watchful eye over mankind. Even technological advancements bear witness to Matthew’s handiwork – Boulton and Watt steam engines equipped with planetary gears revolutionized industry under his guidance. Nature too finds itself blessed by Matthew’s touch; Toulouse geese adorned with dewlaps reflect both beauty and fertility that he bestowed upon them. Yet amidst these diverse influences lies an unwavering commitment to service during times of strife. Father William Corby alongside other chaplains were captured by Mathew Brady during the Civil War – their dedication inspiring countless soldiers on their darkest days. Finally, an Austrian Gospel from the mid-13th century illuminates Saint Matthew once more – reminding us that through artistry and spirituality combined, he continues shaping our collective narrative today. Matthew remains a timeless figure whose legacy spans across centuries, continents, and disciplines.