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Niger Collection

"Niger: A Land of Diversity and Discovery" Embark on a captivating journey to Niger, a country that encompasses an array of fascinating elements

Background imageNiger Collection: Poisonous Plants

Poisonous Plants
Deadly Nightshade (Atropa Belladonna); Thorn Apple (Datura Stramonium); Henbane (Hyoscyamus Niger); Mezereon (Daphne Mezereum); Fools Parsley (Aethusa Cynapium);

Background imageNiger Collection: Africa Political Map

Africa Political Map
Antique illustration of a Africa Political Map from 1893

Background imageNiger Collection: Hellebores (chromolitho)

Hellebores (chromolitho)
5219624 Hellebores (chromolitho) by Low, Marie (fl.1898); Private Collection; ( Hellebores. Illustration for The Flower Growers Guide by John Wright (Virtue, c 1898).); © Look and Learn

Background imageNiger Collection: Expedition vehicle in the Tenere region of the central Sahara

Expedition vehicle in the Tenere region of the central Sahara

Background imageNiger Collection: Nigerian Rising 1895

Nigerian Rising 1895
Native Nigerians rebel against the Royal Niger Company, which gives place to a protectorate five years later

Background imageNiger Collection: Christmas rose, black hellebore (Helleborus niger)

Christmas rose, black hellebore (Helleborus niger)
Illustration of a Christmas rose, black hellebore (Helleborus niger)

Background imageNiger Collection: Senegal and Niger, French Colonies in Africa - Map

Senegal and Niger, French Colonies in Africa - Map showing main transport routes. Date: circa 1909

Background imageNiger Collection: Plants / Helleborus Niger

Plants / Helleborus Niger
BLACK HELLEBORE or CHRISTMAS ROSE used to cure mental afflictions since 1400 BC

Background imageNiger Collection: Dinosaur tail bones

Dinosaur tail bones
From a Palaeontology field trip in Niger, West Africa

Background imageNiger Collection: Barma Mata, Sultan de Zinder, from Dessins et Peintures d Afrique

Barma Mata, Sultan de Zinder, from Dessins et Peintures d Afrique
3251569 Barma Mata, Sultan de Zinder, from Dessins et Peintures d Afrique, executes au cours de l expedition Citroen Centre Afrique, deuxieme mission Haardt Audouin-Dubreuil, pub

Background imageNiger Collection: European Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) two adults, feeding at hanging nyger seed feeder in

European Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) two adults, feeding at hanging nyger seed feeder in garden, Essex, England, april

Background imageNiger Collection: Ants (litho)

Ants (litho)
6013525 Ants (litho) by English School, (20th century); Private Collection; ( Ants. Illustration for The Harmsworth Encylopaedia (c 1922).); © Look and Learn

Background imageNiger Collection: Antilopina antelopes

Antilopina antelopes
Antilopina: four-horned antelope, Tetracerus quadricornis 1, black wildebeest, Connochaetes gnou 2, sitatunga, Tragelaphus spekii 3, pronghorn, Antilocapra americana 4, waterbuck

Background imageNiger Collection: Tuareg tribesman and camel, Niger, Africa

Tuareg tribesman and camel, Niger, Africa

Background imageNiger Collection: Niger, West Africa - Baby receiving an enema

Niger, West Africa - Baby receiving an enema from his Mother. Date: circa 1930s

Background imageNiger Collection: Fort of Pacot (Fort Djado), Djado plateau, Tenere Desert, Sahara, Niger, Africa

Fort of Pacot (Fort Djado), Djado plateau, Tenere Desert, Sahara, Niger, Africa

Background imageNiger Collection: Henbane or stinking nightshade, Hyoscyamus niger

Henbane or stinking nightshade, Hyoscyamus niger
5855872 Henbane or stinking nightshade, Hyoscyamus niger; ( Henbane or stinking nightshade, Hyoscyamus niger. Chromolithograph from Carl Lindman's "Bilder ur Nordens Flora")

Background imageNiger Collection: Death of Lieutenant Grivart, 1899

Death of Lieutenant Grivart, 1899
3480884 Death of Lieutenant Grivart, 1899; ( Death of Lieutenant Grivart. Killed by inhabitants of a village on the banks of the River Niger. Mort du Lieutenant Grivart)

Background imageNiger Collection: Kamalia, a native village near the southern course of the Niger

Kamalia, a native village near the southern course of the Niger
1578502 Kamalia, a native village near the southern course of the Niger; ( Kamalia, a native village near the southern course of the Niger.); Universal History Archive/UIG

Background imageNiger Collection: Christmas rose, Helleborus niger 1, and henbane, Hyoscyamus niger

Christmas rose, Helleborus niger 1, and henbane, Hyoscyamus niger. Handcoloured copperplate engraving
FLO4574671 Christmas rose, Helleborus niger 1, and henbane, Hyoscyamus niger. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Bertuch's " Bilderbuch fur Kinder" (Picture Book for Children)

Background imageNiger Collection: Black ruffed lemur, Varecia variegata. Critically endangered. Lemur macaco Linn. niger

Black ruffed lemur, Varecia variegata. Critically endangered. Lemur macaco Linn. niger
FLO4691796 Black ruffed lemur, Varecia variegata. Critically endangered. Lemur macaco Linn. niger. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Hermann Jakob Tyroff after an illustration by George Edwards

Background imageNiger Collection: Richard and John Lander paddling down the Niger, 1835

Richard and John Lander paddling down the Niger, 1835
1578508 Richard and John Lander paddling down the Niger, 1835; ( Richard and John Lander paddling down the Niger)

Background imageNiger Collection: Eurasian golden oriole, Oriolus oriolus male 1, female 2, Venezuelan troupial, Icterus icterus 3

Eurasian golden oriole, Oriolus oriolus male 1, female 2, Venezuelan troupial, Icterus icterus 3, oriole blackbird
FLO4574134 Eurasian golden oriole, Oriolus oriolus male 1, female 2, Venezuelan troupial, Icterus icterus 3, oriole blackbird, Gymnomystax mexicanus 4, greater Antillean grackle, Quiscalus niger 5

Background imageNiger Collection: Common tern, Sterna hirundo, black tern, Chlidonias niger, great frigatebird, Fregata minor

Common tern, Sterna hirundo, black tern, Chlidonias niger, great frigatebird, Fregata minor
FLO4597806 Common tern, Sterna hirundo, black tern, Chlidonias niger, great frigatebird, Fregata minor, and white-tailed tropicbird, Phaethon lepturus

Background imageNiger Collection: Barbary, Black Africa - Guinee

Barbary, Black Africa - Guinee
2902122 Barbary, Black Africa - Guinee; ( Barbary, Black Africa - Guinee, 1792.); Buyenlarge Archive/UIG

Background imageNiger Collection: Guardians of the Empire. The overseas forces who came to England for the coronation of King George V

Guardians of the Empire. The overseas forces who came to England for the coronation of King George V
2915340 Guardians of the Empire. The overseas forces who came to England for the coronation of King George V. From The Illustrated London News, 1910.; Photo © Hilary Morgan

Background imageNiger Collection: Peul man at the gerewol festival-Niger

Peul man at the gerewol festival-Niger
Joxe Inazio Kuesta Garmendia

Background imageNiger Collection: Aerial of the Timia waterfall, Oasis of Timia, Air Mountains, Niger, Africa

Aerial of the Timia waterfall, Oasis of Timia, Air Mountains, Niger, Africa

Background imageNiger Collection: Old abandoned fort in Djado, Tenere Desert, Sahara, Niger, Africa

Old abandoned fort in Djado, Tenere Desert, Sahara, Niger, Africa

Background imageNiger Collection: Tuaregs at the animal market, Agadez, Niger, West Africa, Africa

Tuaregs at the animal market, Agadez, Niger, West Africa, Africa

Background imageNiger Collection: Mali - Bani River, principal tributary of the Niger River

Mali - Bani River, principal tributary of the Niger River
Mali - A covered dugout canoe on the Bani River, the principal tributary of the Niger River. Date: circa 1907

Background imageNiger Collection: Niger with mask

Niger with mask
Color satellite image of Niger, with mask

Background imageNiger Collection: Niger

Color satellite image of Niger and neighbouring countries

Background imageNiger Collection: Niger with borders and mask

Niger with borders and mask
Color satellite image of Niger, with borders and mask

Background imageNiger Collection: Niger with borders

Niger with borders
Color satellite image of Niger and neighbouring countries

Background imageNiger Collection: Ahmadou's Army crossing the Niger; Journey from the Senegal to the Niger, 1875. Creator: Unknown

Ahmadou's Army crossing the Niger; Journey from the Senegal to the Niger, 1875. Creator: Unknown
Ahmadou's Army crossing the Niger; Journey from the Senegal to the Niger, 1875. From Illustrated Travels by H.W. Bates. [Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, c1880, London] and Galpin

Background imageNiger Collection: Travelling down the Niger; Journey from the Senegal to the Niger, 1875. Creator: Unknown

Travelling down the Niger; Journey from the Senegal to the Niger, 1875. Creator: Unknown
Travelling down the Niger; Journey from the Senegal to the Niger, 1875. From Illustrated Travels by H.W. Bates. [Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, c1880, London] and Galpin

Background imageNiger Collection: Deux grands morts; Gallieni, capitaine en 1881, au retour de sa mission dans la vallee du Niger

Deux grands morts; Gallieni, capitaine en 1881, au retour de sa mission dans la vallee du Niger, Creator: Sereni
Deux grands morts; Gallieni, capitaine en 1881, au retour de sa mission dans la vallee du Niger, From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]

Background imageNiger Collection: Un village de pecheurs sur le Niger, pres de Baro; L'Ouest Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown

Un village de pecheurs sur le Niger, pres de Baro; L'Ouest Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown
Un village de pecheurs sur le Niger, pres de Baro; L'Ouest Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNiger Collection: Delta du Niger; L'Ouest Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown

Delta du Niger; L'Ouest Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown
Delta du Niger; L'Ouest Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNiger Collection: Delta central ou region lacustre du Niger; L'Ouest Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown

Delta central ou region lacustre du Niger; L'Ouest Africain, 1914. Creator: Unknown
Delta central ou region lacustre du Niger; L'Ouest Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNiger Collection: Un village noir sur le Niger (environs de Sansanding); L'Ouest Africain, 1914. Creator: L Marc

Un village noir sur le Niger (environs de Sansanding); L'Ouest Africain, 1914. Creator: L Marc
Un village noir sur le Niger (environs de Sansanding); L'Ouest Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNiger Collection: Pres des sources du Niger; L'Ouest Africain, 1914. Creator: L Marc

Pres des sources du Niger; L'Ouest Africain, 1914. Creator: L Marc
Pres des sources du Niger; L'Ouest Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914

Background imageNiger Collection: Nos recrues d'asie, d'Afrique et d'oceanie; En Afrique occidentale

Nos recrues d'asie, d'Afrique et d'oceanie; En Afrique occidentale : un palabre aux recrues...1916 Creator
Nos recrues d'asie, d'Afrique et d'oceanie; En Afrique occidentale : un palabre aux recrues dans un village de l'Issa-ber (boucle du Niger), 1916

Background imageNiger Collection: Bell in the form of a head, 16th to 19th century (cast copper alloy)

Bell in the form of a head, 16th to 19th century (cast copper alloy)
1068409 Bell in the form of a head, 16th to 19th century (cast copper alloy) by African School; 14.29 cm; Dallas Museum of Art, Texas, USA; ( Lower Niger Bronze Industry); gift of Mr

Background imageNiger Collection: A giraffe tower in Namibia

A giraffe tower in Namibia A Giraffe family with a young giraffe in the afternoon light

Background imageNiger Collection: Woodabe woman Niger

Woodabe woman Niger
David Dhaen

Background imageNiger Collection: Woodabe Gazing

Woodabe Gazing
David Dhaen

Background imageNiger Collection: African Art: Komo mask. From Niger. Private collection

African Art: Komo mask. From Niger. Private collection
JLJ4685323 African Art: Komo mask. From Niger. Private collection by African School; Private Collection; ( African Art: Komo mask. From Niger. Private collection); Photo © Photo Josse

Background imageNiger Collection: Poisonous plants. As well as the poisonous Black or Common Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) top left

Poisonous plants. As well as the poisonous Black or Common Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) top left
541215 Poisonous plants. As well as the poisonous Black or Common Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) top left, and Woody Nightshade or Bittersweet (Solanum dulcarama) top right

Background imageNiger Collection: Galapagos giant tortoise. Genovesa Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. Date: 27-07-2021

Galapagos giant tortoise. Genovesa Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. Date: 27-07-2021

Background imageNiger Collection: Yellow flowered black henbane, Hyoscyamus niger

Yellow flowered black henbane, Hyoscyamus niger
5856659 Yellow flowered black henbane, Hyoscyamus niger by Sowerby, James (1757-1822); ( Yellow flowered black henbane with green berries, Hyoscyamus niger)

Background imageNiger Collection: White flowered black hellebore or Christmas rose, Helleborus niger

White flowered black hellebore or Christmas rose, Helleborus niger
5856709 White flowered black hellebore or Christmas rose, Helleborus niger by Sowerby, James (1757-1822); ( White flowered black hellebore or Christmas rose, Helleborus niger)

Background imageNiger Collection: DDE-90039419

Eastern Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger) on tree trunk Date: 19/11/2012

Background imageNiger Collection: DDE-90039418

Eastern Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger) on tree trunk Date: 19/11/2012

Background imageNiger Collection: DDE-90038444

Black Caiman, Melanosuchus niger, lunging out of the muddy water around the Pantanal, Brazil. Date: 17/02/2005

Background imageNiger Collection: DDE-90023057

Zimbabwe. Sable Antelope (Hippotragus niger) Date: 30/08/2007

Background imageNiger Collection: DDE-90022680

Africa. Tanzania. Red-Billed Buffalo-Weaver at Ndutu in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Date: 26/08/2005

Background imageNiger Collection: DDE-90022672

Africa. Tanzania. Red-Billed Buffalo-Weaver at Ndutu in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Date: 26/08/2005

Background imageNiger Collection: Peul man - Niger

Peul man - Niger
Joxe Inazio Kuesta Garmendia

Background imageNiger Collection: Ostrich riding (litho)

Ostrich riding (litho)
6002546 Ostrich riding (litho) by Billinghurst, Percy James (1871-1933); Private Collection; ( Ostrich riding. Illustration for A Hundred Anecdotes of Animals with pictures by Percy J)

Background imageNiger Collection: The Source of the Niger (engraving)

The Source of the Niger (engraving)
7164386 The Source of the Niger (engraving) by English School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( The Source of the Niger)

Background imageNiger Collection: Scene on the Niger (engraving)

Scene on the Niger (engraving)
7165150 Scene on the Niger (engraving) by English School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( Scene on the Niger)

Background imageNiger Collection: The Ven Henry Johnson, MA, Archdeacon of the Upper Niger (engraving)

The Ven Henry Johnson, MA, Archdeacon of the Upper Niger (engraving)
7188253 The Ven Henry Johnson, MA, Archdeacon of the Upper Niger (engraving) by English School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( The Ven Henry Johnson, MA)

Background imageNiger Collection: Senegalese riders of the expedition escort. Engraving by Tofani

Senegalese riders of the expedition escort. Engraving by Tofani
LSE4332765 Senegalese riders of the expedition escort. Engraving by Tofani, to illustrate the story of Exploration in Haut Niger, by Commander Gallieni, of the Marine Infantry, in 1880-1881

Background imageNiger Collection: Trading on the Niger (colour litho)

Trading on the Niger (colour litho)
5988760 Trading on the Niger (colour litho) by English School, (20th century); Private Collection; ( Trading on the Niger. Illustration for Chatterbox (1914).); © Look and Learn

Background imageNiger Collection: Memorable combat between an Ateles niger and an Ateles rufus (engraving)

Memorable combat between an Ateles niger and an Ateles rufus (engraving)
967978 Memorable combat between an Ateles niger and an Ateles rufus (engraving) by Riou, Edouard (1833-1900) (after); Private Collection; (

Background imageNiger Collection: La Danse du Kuli-Kuta (Niamey) Parodie des anciens sacrifices humains du Dahomey)

La Danse du Kuli-Kuta (Niamey) Parodie des anciens sacrifices humains du Dahomey)
3251566 La Danse du Kuli-Kuta (Niamey) Parodie des anciens sacrifices humains du Dahomey), from Dessins et Peintures d Afrique, executes au cours de l expedition Citroen Centre Afrique

Background imageNiger Collection: Barma Mata, Sultan de Zinder (etude pour le portrait), from Dessins et Peintures d

Barma Mata, Sultan de Zinder (etude pour le portrait), from Dessins et Peintures d
3251565 Barma Mata, Sultan de Zinder (etude pour le portrait), from Dessins et Peintures d Afrique, executes au cours de l expedition Citroen Centre Afrique, deuxieme mission Haardt Audouin-Dubreuil

Background imageNiger Collection: En Plein Soudan (engraving)

En Plein Soudan (engraving)
2788991 En Plein Soudan (engraving) by French School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( En Plein Soudan. Illustration for Journal Des Voyages, 28 August 1892)

Background imageNiger Collection: The Joalland Mission, with the Remains of Colonel Klobb, Captain Cazemajou, and Interpreter Olive

The Joalland Mission, with the Remains of Colonel Klobb, Captain Cazemajou, and Interpreter Olive, at the Niger (litho)
1593629 The Joalland Mission, with the Remains of Colonel Klobb, Captain Cazemajou, and Interpreter Olive, at the Niger (litho) by Sabattier

Background imageNiger Collection: Italian maple, Acer opalus

Italian maple, Acer opalus, Ital. L Erable opale. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Pierre Joseph Buchoz Les dons merveilleux et diversement colories de la nature dans le r?

Background imageNiger Collection: Portrait of Roman Emperor Pescennius Niger

Portrait of Roman Emperor Pescennius Niger
Roman Emperor Pescennius Niger, 135-194AD, Gaius Pescennius Niger Augustus. Copperplate engraving from Abraham Bogaerts De Roomsche Monarchy, The Roman Monarchy, Francois Salma, Utrecht, 1697

Background imageNiger Collection: Portrait of Roman Emperor Didius Julianus

Portrait of Roman Emperor Didius Julianus
Roman Emperor Didius Julianus, 133AD-193AD. Marcus Didius Severus Julianus Augustus. Copperplate engraving from Abraham Bogaerts De Roomsche Monarchy, The Roman Monarchy, Francois Salma, Utrecht, 1697

Background imageNiger Collection: Holy Roman Emperor Conrad II

Holy Roman Emperor Conrad II, 990-1039. Conrad the Elder, Conrad the Salic, Conradus II Salic, Salian Dynasty. Copperplate engraving from Abraham Bogaerts De Roomsche Monarchy, The Roman Monarchy

Background imageNiger Collection: Noble Tuareg warrior of Agadez, Niger, in tagelmust (turban and veil)

Noble Tuareg warrior of Agadez, Niger, in tagelmust (turban and veil), taktkat (shirt) and akarbey (pants)
6339057 Noble Tuareg warrior of Agadez, Niger, in tagelmust (turban and veil), taktkat (shirt) and akarbey (pants) by Lyon

Background imageNiger Collection: A merchant fascinating a customer, sitting on the floor, on a small mat

A merchant fascinating a customer, sitting on the floor, on a small mat
LSE4335695 A merchant fascinating a customer, sitting on the floor, on a small mat, he makes the article by holding a scale

Background imageNiger Collection: In Lera (or Dera, Niger), types of Mandes. Engraving by Riou

In Lera (or Dera, Niger), types of Mandes. Engraving by Riou
LSE4335601 In Lera (or Dera, Niger), types of Mandes. Engraving by Riou, to illustrate the story " From Niger to the Gulf of Guinee" by Captain Louis Gustave Binger (1856-1936)

Background imageNiger Collection: Visit to the Naba of Karaga (Ghana). Engraving by Riou, to illustrate the story '

Visit to the Naba of Karaga (Ghana). Engraving by Riou, to illustrate the story "
LSE4335525 Visit to the Naba of Karaga (Ghana). Engraving by Riou, to illustrate the story " From Niger to the Gulf of Guinee" by Captain Louis Gustave Binger (1856-1936), in 1887-1889

Background imageNiger Collection: Old Bambara, chief of tribe in Yamina (Niger) smoking the pipe

Old Bambara, chief of tribe in Yamina (Niger) smoking the pipe
LSE4328056 Old Bambara, chief of tribe in Yamina (Niger) smoking the pipe and wearing the traditional chief cover of his tribe

Background imageNiger Collection: The butchers at the Yamina Market (Niger), with stakes equipped with hooks to hang meat

The butchers at the Yamina Market (Niger), with stakes equipped with hooks to hang meat
LSE4328040 The butchers at the Yamina Market (Niger), with stakes equipped with hooks to hang meat, as well as ovens in which meat can be cooked directly

Background imageNiger Collection: The African escort of Mage, lieutenant-on-the-ship, sent on a mission to Niger

The African escort of Mage, lieutenant-on-the-ship, sent on a mission to Niger
LSE4328021 The African escort of Mage, lieutenant-on-the-ship, sent on a mission to Niger. Engravure to illustrate the story of Lieutenant Mages voyage in Western Sudan between 1863 and 1866

Background imageNiger Collection: Crossing Niger by boat by missionaries Engraving in the illustrious journal '

Crossing Niger by boat by missionaries Engraving in the illustrious journal "
XEE4132916 Crossing Niger by boat by missionaries.. Engraving in the illustrious journal " Youth", 1887 by French School

Background imageNiger Collection: Gabled urn, from Tomb Q, Lapis Niger, Foro Romano (clay)

Gabled urn, from Tomb Q, Lapis Niger, Foro Romano (clay)
704112 Gabled urn, from Tomb Q, Lapis Niger, Foro Romano (clay) by Roman; Antiquarium, Rome, Italy; out of copyright

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"Niger: A Land of Diversity and Discovery" Embark on a captivating journey to Niger, a country that encompasses an array of fascinating elements. From its poisonous plants to the political map of Africa, every corner holds surprises waiting to be explored. Venture into the Tenere region of the central Sahara, where an expedition vehicle braves the vast desert expanse. Feel the thrill as you traverse this arid landscape, discovering hidden wonders along your path. Delve into history and uncover Nigerian Rising 1895, a pivotal moment in this nation's struggle for independence. Witness how resilience and determination shaped its future. Marvel at nature's beauty with the Christmas rose or black hellebore (Helleborus niger), showcasing its delicate petals against harsh surroundings. This resilient flower symbolizes hope amidst adversity. Trace Senegal and Niger on a French colonies' map in Africa, unraveling their intertwined histories and cultural connections. Explore how these nations have evolved over time under colonial influences. Observe European Goldfinches gracefully feeding from hanging nyger seed feeders in gardens across Essex, England. Witness this harmonious interaction between humans and wildlife transcending borders. Discover an abundance of diverse plant life like Helleborus niger thriving in Niger's fertile lands. These vibrant blooms add splashes of color to the country's natural tapestry. Encounter Antilopina antelopes gracefully roaming through Niger's expansive plains – a testament to its rich biodiversity. Marvel at their elegance as they navigate their habitat with grace and agility. Unearth remnants from prehistoric times as dinosaur tail bones emerge from ancient sedimentary layers beneath Niger's soil – connecting us with our planet's distant past. Witness ants diligently building intricate colonies (litho) - exemplifying teamwork and perseverance within nature’s complex web of life found throughout Niger’s ecosystems Immerse yourself in chromolitho illustrations capturing Hellebores' enchanting allure.

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