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"Outlawed: Unveiling the Untold Stories of Rebellion and Resistance" Step into a world where defiance knows no bounds. From the suffragette novel "Outlawed" by Charlotte Despard to the captivating start of a cockfight, these hints offer glimpses into forbidden realms throughout history. Dr. Aprill's imperial ban on that fateful day in 1757 left an indelible mark, reminding us of the power struggles that shape our society. Meanwhile, the ruin of the Adamites reveals a religious movement rooted in nostalgia for Eden's freedom - free love, refusal of work, and nudite challenging societal norms. Intriguingly, "Life of Christ" depicts the chilling massacre of innocents while Polytechnician Vaneau met his tragic end during political upheaval in 1830. The assassination of Roman Emperor Geta sends shivers down our spines as we witness treachery unfold through ancient engravings. The masterful painting by Frankfurt's anonymous artist transports us to King Herode I's palace balcony during Bethlehem's harrowing massacre. Rhadamist fleeing from Armenia paints a vivid picture with his ruthless act against Zenobia captured on canvas. Enter darkness tinged with bravery as Judith wields her weapon against Holoferne in this mesmerizing 16th-century artwork. Jean Paul Marat meets his untimely demise at the hands of revolutionaries in an engraving based on Louis Brion de la Tour's haunting painting. Lastly, Urban VI takes revenge upon cardinals who dared challenge him - their fate immortalized through Jean Paul Laurens' evocative engraving. These tales remind us that even when outlawed or condemned, resistance can ignite change and reshape destinies. Dive deep into these hidden narratives and discover how outlaws have shaped history with their audacity to defy conventions and fight for what they believe is right.