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"Virginia Oldoini Verasis di Castiglione: A Captivating Muse of the 19th Century" Step into the enchanting world of Virginia Oldoini Verasis di Castiglione, a woman who captivated hearts and minds with her beauty and allure. Born in 1837, this Italian countess became an iconic figure through her collaboration with photographer Pierre-Louis Pierson. In "L'accoudee" (1856-57), we see Virginia leaning against a table, exuding an air of mystery. Her gaze pierces through the lens in "The Gaze" (1856-57), leaving viewers spellbound by her intense presence. But it is in "La Comtesse de Castiglione en Reine de la Nuit" (1863-67) that she truly shines as she transforms into a majestic queen of the night. Pierson's lens also captured Virginia's personal life, such as in "Giorgio de Castiglione" (1861), where she poses alongside her son. This intimate portrait showcases another facet of her multifaceted personality – that of a loving mother. As time went on, Pierson continued to immortalize Virginia's beauty and versatility. In "[Countess de Castiglione, from Serie des Roses]" (1895), delicate roses frame her face, symbolizing both fragility and resilience. Meanwhile, in "Derelitta (peintre)" from the 1860s, we witness Virginia embodying the role of an abandoned artist seeking solace amidst solitude. Her allure extended beyond Italy; even Finland couldn't resist being enchanted by this captivating countess. In "[La Finlandaise]" (1861-67), she dons traditional Finnish attire with grace and elegance.