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661. Study of Japanese Chrysanthemums and Dwarfed PineThe Japanese delight in dwarfing normally big trees; and they have brought the art to such a degree of perfection that they can keep them down to the size of the one represented to a very
502. Flowers of the Pomegranate, painted in TeneriffeThe Pomegranate (Punica Granatum, L.) is believed to be a native of North-Western India; but, as in the case of most plants that have been cultivated from remote times
658. Distant View of Mount Fujiyama, Japan, and WistariaThis beautiful, hardy, climbing shrub Wistaria chinensis, DC. is a native of China and Japan, and was introduced into this country about the year 1816
819. View from Kalutara, CeylonCasuarina and Cocoanut Trees
6. Seven Snowy Peaks seen from the Araucaria Forest, ChiliA view of the Cordilleras near Angole, with Burning Bush (Embothirium coccineum), an orange-coloured Ground Orchid (Chloraea sp.), the white-flowered Libertia ixioides, Spreng
The Blue Puya and Cactus at home in the Cordilleras by Marianne NorthThe Blue Puya and Cactus at home in the Cordilleras, near Apoquindo, Chili
830. Vegetation on a stream at Chanleon, ChiliLomaria procera, Spr. in front with Gunnera scabra, Ruiz. et Pay. and Fabiana imbricata, Ruiz. et Pay. on the right; Araucaria imbricata, Pavon, behind; on the left, yellow Bueddleia globosa, Lam
476. Male and Female Trees of the Coco de Mer in PraslinOn the right the taller male trees, which some- times attain a height of 100 feet, but the female is always shorter. The feather-leaved palm in front may be Deckenia
25. Inflorescence of the Blue Puya, and Moths, ChiliCommon inhabitants of the Cordilleras are two noble representatives of the Pine-Apple Order, the Bromeliaceae, namely Puya Whytei, Hook. the present, and P. chilensis (see 19)
21. Parasites on Beech Trees, Chili" Robble, " literally oak, is the name given to the common large-leaved Chilian " Beech" (Nothofagus obliqua, Mirb.)
15. Armed Birds Nest in Acacia Bush, ChiliTrabajor, that is labourer, is the name given to this bird (Izuallaxis: sordida), a delicate creature that builds an impregnable nest off the spiny branchlets of Acacia cavenia, Molina
10. The Baths of Cauquenas in the Cordilleras South of, SantiagoColumnar Cacti, Pitcairnia, Alstroemeria, Echinocactus, calandrinia, etc. in the foreground on the right. These plants are all represented life size in the paintings around
4. Puzzle -Monkey Trees and Guanacos, ChiliPehuen is the Chilian name of the familiar Araucaria imbricata, Pav. here represented in full development at home close under the Cordilleras of Chili, where there are no monkeys
818. Red Water Lily of Southern IndiaThis is the Nymphaea Lotus, L. (N. rubra, Roxb.), and was painted at Cochin
368. Two Flowering Shrubs of: Natal and a TrogonThe brilliant red Schotia speciosa, Jacq. is related to the gorgeous Indian Amnherstia (see 594). The fragrant white Gardenia Thunbergia Linn. f
3. Burning Bush and Emu Wren of ChiliThe Burning Bush (Embothriumn coccineum, Forst.) belongs to the same family as the South African genera Protea and Leucaden-dron and the Australian Banksia and Grevillea
832 - Distant View of Santiago, Chili. from ApoquindoDistant View of Santiago, Chili. from Apoquindo. - Acacia bushes in the foreground
832. Distant View of Santiago, Chili, from ApoquindoAcacia bushes in the foreground
561. A new Pitcher Plant from the limestone mountains of SarawakThis, Nepenthes Northiana, Hook. f. has one of the largest pitchers of any known species. In consequence of seeing this painting, Messrs
212. North American Carnivorous PlantsPainted from plants grown in this garden. Behind, on the left, is Darlingtonia californica, Torr. with Sarracenia purpurea, L.. in front of it; S. fiara, L
23. A Chilian Cactus in flower and its leafless Parasite in fruiReferring to the various Chilian landscapes, we see that columnar cacti are a conspicuous feature. This, the-commonest species, is Cereus Quisco, Gay, which grows to a height of 1.5 to 20 feet
16. Wild Flowers of Chanleon, ChiliFuchsia macrostemon, Ruiz et Pav. on the right, is the wild parent of our hardy varieties; above it is the blue Puya with orange anthers, the orange balls of the not unfamiliar Buddleia globosa, Lam
19. View near Quilpue, ChiliOn the rocks in front a gigantic species of Calceolaria, with Puya chilensis, Molina, above, and Boldo trees and Columnar Cacti in the distance
12. Some Wild Flowers of Quilpue ChiliBeginning at the top on the right are the tufted leaves and hanging orange-red flowers of Lobelia salicifolia, Don, and intermingling with the foliage the graceful blue Conanthera bifolia
8. Chilian Palms in the Valley of SaltoJubaea spectabilis, H.B.K. is the only kind of palm native in Chili and although it wants the grace and elegance of many of its family it is not less useful
Painting 132, Valley behind the Artist ss house at Gordontown, JamacaPainting 132, Datura arborea. L. is the plant in the foreground
825. View of the Corcovado Mountain, near Rio de Janerio, BrazilThe vegetation comprises Bamboo, Royal Palms (Oreodora regia, H.B.IK.), &c
192. Wild Flowers from the Neighbourhood of New YorkThe plant in front resembling our native Cuckoo Pint, or Lords-and-Ladies, is the Indian Turnip of the Americans (Arisaematriphylla)
7. A Chilian Stinging Nettle and Male and Female BeetlesThe Loasaceae, to which the present plant (Loasa acanthi-folia, Juss.) belongs, are a small family of about a dozen genera and 100 species, which, with the exception of one African species
192. Wild Flowers from the Neighbourhood of New York
63. Avenue of Royal Palms at Botafogo, BrazilThis avenue of Oreodoxa regia, Kth. is half a mile long, and the trees, which are about 40 years old, are 100 feet high. Five rings are left on the trunks each year by the fallen leaves
30. The Wild Tamarind of Jamaica with scarlet Pod and BarbetThis showy Leguminous tree is Cojoba arborea var. arborea (synonym Pithecellobium filicifolium) which ranges through the West Indies and Central America
638. Foliage and Fruit of Sterculia parvifloraThe lower seed-vessels ripe and open, exposing the seeds to view. Each cluster of seed-vessels is the product of a single flower. See 281
506. Dragon Tree at Orotava, TeneriffeThis is the largest descendent of the famous tree of which a short history is given under 511
475. Male inflorescence and Ripe Nuts of the Coco de Mer, SeycheA portion of the outer fibrous covering of the fruit has been removed showing the two-lobed nut, which usually contains only one seed, probably the largest in the vegetable kingdom
119. Foliage, flowers and fruit of the Nutmeg tree, and HummingThis Humming Bird (Mellisugaminima) is the smallest known. The genus Myristica is rather numerous in species, widely scattered in tropical regions, including America; but the present species
241. Tomb of Ali ud Deen and Neem Tree, DelhiThe Neem tree is Melia Azadirachta, L
New Zealand Flowers and fruit Marianne North Painting 721The spherical plant in the foreground is a small specimen of the " Vegetable. Sheep" ( Raoulia eximia, Hook.f.)
262 African Baobab Tree in the Princesss Garden at Tanjore, IndiaAdansonia digitata, Linn. the African Baobab, is remarkable for the gigantic proportions of its relatively short trunk, which sometimes, it is recorded
Scene in Dr. Lunds Garden at Lagoa Santa, BrazilOil on board, no date. According to the Official Guide to the North Gallery, Fifth Edition, 1892, The large trunk in front covered with a Cactus (Cereus, sp.), a large aroid (Philodendron, sp.)
831. Wild Flowers and Fruits of the Salinas, ChiliEchinocactus sp. in fruit, above it Ephedra andina, Poepp. in fruit, and a sprig of a white variety of the same in front, with the globular, green flower heads of Eryngiumn paniculatum, Cay
829. One of the Volcanoes of the Cordilleras, from Poplar AvenueOn the left is a cottage, and on the right a large oven, as they are commonly constructed in Chili
828. View of the Bell Mountain of Quillota, Chili, with coloniseAmong emigrant plants none has perhaps taken almost sole possession of such vast areas as the European Cardoon (Cynara Cardunculus, Linn.), which is the wild parent of the Jerusalem Artichoke
827. View in the Salinas, ChiliThe principal plants on the rocks are the yellow and blue Puyas and the Cereus represented natural size in Nos. 23, 26, and 19
826. Hot Baths of Cauquenas, ChiliSmall Bamboos in the foreground
790. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of a Queensland Tree, and BlackMacadamia ternifolia, F. Muell. belongs to the Proteaceae, and is closely allied to Helicia, which extends northward to India, China, and Japan
671. Foliage of a Cinnamon and Atlas MothThe pea-like flower is Clitoria Ternatea, Linn. Observe the Caterpillar and Chrysalis of the Moth (Attacus sp)
511. Dragon Tree in the Garden of Mr. Smith, TeneriffeThe Dragon Tree, or more correctly the Dragons Blood Tree (Dracaena Draco, L.), is a native of Teneriffe, and is one of the most celebrated trees in the annals of natural history
465. The only Shade in Ile Aride, SeychellesA partially uprooted tree of Terminalia Catappa, Linn. affords the only real shade in the island, and under its welcome branches all the inhabitants assemble
405. A Medley of Flowers from Table Mountain, Cape of Good HopeOn the right, the scarlet Sutherlandia frutescens, R. Br. followed by the white balls of the minute flowers of a Brunia ? a blue and red Lobostermon(Boraginaceae)
380. A common Plant on sandy sea-shores in the TropicsThis lovely trailer (Ipomoea blob, Forsk, is found on almost all sandy sea-shores in the tropics as well as in some subtropical regions, including many of the most remote oceanic islands)
338. Mount Everest or Deodunga, from Sundukpho, North IndiaThis is believed to be the highest peak of the highest range of mountains in the world; its estimated height being 29, 002 feet, or about five miles and a half
278. Michelia and Climber of Darjeeling, IndiaThe tree is Michelia excelsa, Wall. a lofty congener of the Champak, and the climber is Porana grandiflora, Wall. which is remarkable in its family (Convolvulaceae) for being sweetscented
114. Foliage, Flowers and Fruit of the Pitanga, and Sulphur ButtPitanga is the name applied to more than one myrtaceous fruit in the West Indies and Brazil; this is apparently a species of Eugenia. The butterfly is Callidyasphilea
77. Wild Flowers at Morro Velho, BrazilBignonia venusta. Ker. and a Convolvulacea (Quamoclit Nationis Hook. ?), climbing over Luhea rufescens, St. Hil. a forest tree
20. The Permanent Snows from Santiago; Patagua in front with Humming Bird and NestTricuspidaria dependens, Ruiz et Pav. the Patagua, is of the same family as our lime-tree. On the left, near the Patagua tree, and on the right, beyond the building
59. A Brazilian Climbing Shrub and Humming BirdsObserve the curious looped-shaped seed-vessel of Odontadenia speciosa, Benth. (syn. Dipladenia Harrisii, Purdie) in the upper right-hand corner; the carpels forming it cohere at the base
27. Chilian Lilies and other Flowers in Black Jug and ornamentedBehind is a yellow Calceolaria and a blue Heliotrope, with the beautiful striped Placea ornata, Miers, in the centre, and three varieties or species of Leucocoryne below
24. Sea-shore near Valparaiso, ChiliThe vegetation on the rocks consists largely of Puya, Cereus and Mesembryan-thermum chilense, Molin. This is the only species of the last named genus in Chili
22. Chilian Ground Orchids and other FlowersHere are three species of the large, peculiarly South American, and mainly Chilian, genus of ground orchids, Chloraea; the orange-coloured one matching Alstroemeria aurantiaca in 12
18. Chilian Flowers in Twin Mate Pot, and Chilian StrawberriesBehind, the heath-like Fabiana imbricata, Ruiz et Pav. and a miniature irid (Tigridia sp ?), with the deep blue Pasithaea coerulea, Don, yellow Mimulus luteus Linn. pink Eyrthraea chilensis, Pers
17. View of Concon, Chili, with its two Palms
14. Some Flowers of the Sterile Region of Cauquenas, ChiliHere is represented a portion of the inflorescence of the Pitcairnia to be seen in the foreground of 10, which is probably the same as one formerly in cultivation under the name of P. rubricaulis
13. Two Climbing Plants of Chili and ButterfliesHanging above Tacsonia pinnatistipula, Juss. (syn. T. chilensis, Miers); below the dull purple flowers and green fleshy edible fruit of Lardizabala biternata, Ruiz et Pav
11. Mexican Poppies, Chilian Schizanthus and InsectsThe Mexican Poppy (Argemone mexicana, Linn.) colonisesfreely, and is now widely spread in warm countries of both hemispheres
9. Common Flowers of ChiliThe large white flower, which changes to pink, is one of the Evening Primrose genus-Oenothera acaulis, Cay. (syn. 0. grandiflora, Ruiz et Pav, and 0)
1. Victoria regiaThis majestic plant and largest off all Water Lilies inhabits many of the rivers of the north-eastern part of South America
570. Other Species of Pitcher Plants from Sarawak, BorneoNepenthes Rafflesiana, Jack. one of the most ornamental of the genus originally introduced into Kew Gardens from Singapore in 1845. The one below is N. ampullacea, Jack
823. View of the Sugarloaf Mountain from the Aqueduct Road, Rio JaneiroA Sloth feeding on a Trumpet Tree (Cecropia peltata, L.) in the foreground. The Trumpet Tree is so called because its hollow branches are used by the natives
822. Noonday View in the Organ Mountains, Brazil, from Barara
821. View near Tijuca, Brazil, Granite Boulders in the foregrounThe plants in the foreground are overrun by a species of Dodder (Cuscuta americana, L.) from which an orange dye is obtained. A similar parasitical plant often preys on clover in this country
734. Australian Sandal Wood with Mistletoe and Emu Wren, West AuIn this case the leaves of the parasite (Loranthus pendulus, Sieb.) and the nurse plants (Fusanus spicatus, R. Br.) are so much alike as not to be easily distinguishable
683. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of a Malayan TreeThis is Saraca declinata, Miq. a member of the Leguminosae
640. Foliage, Flowers, and Fruit of Eugenia, Sarawak, BorneoFlowers of E. grandis, Wight, fruit of E. aquea, Burm. f
639. Japanese FlowersForsythia viridissima, Lindl (yellow), Azalea, Camellia, and Paeonia Moutan, Sims. The variegated foliage at the top is of Cleyera Fortunei, Hook. f
505. Common Aloe in Flower, TeneriffeThe rocky slope covered with a dense thicket of the same plant, (Aloe vera, L.) which is a native of South Africa. Aloes or Bitter Aloes is the dried juice of this and other species of the genus
273. Flowers of Darjeeling, IndiaHydrangea altissima, Wall. and yellow Thunbergia lutea, T. And. The large flowers in the circumference of the inflorescence of the Hydrangea are sterile
265. Nepalese Temple and Peepul Tree, with Blue Pigeons bathingThe Peepul, a kind of fig (Ficus religiosa, Linn.), and the pigeon (Columba livida) are both sacred to the Hindoos. It is the skeleton leaves of the Peepul on which Chinese Buddhists paint flowers
261. View of Kinchinjunga from TongloView of Kinchinjunga from Tonglo
248. Bombay Pedlars in Mrs. Camerons Verandah, Kalutara, Ceylon
228. The Taj Mahal at Agra, North-West IndiaThis magnificent mausoleum was built by the Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Arjamand Benu Begum, who died in 1629. The Taj was finished in 1648
201. View of Lake Donner, Sierra NevadaThe Great Pacific Railway on the right
185. Vegetation of the Desert of ArizonaThere are various Cacti, including the Suarrow or Suguaro of the Mexicans (Cereus giganteus, Englm.), the largest and most striking member of the family, sometimes as much as sixty feet high
170. Flowers of Jasmine Mango or Frangipani, BrazilA species of Plumeria, whose flowers come before the leaves, and when the latter appear a large caterpillar also often comes and eats them all up
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