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Seal Point Siamese cat with darker colouration on back, sitting, looking over its shoulder
Brown tabby cat wearing tag, looking over shoulder, close-up
Lilac Siamese Kitten Standing up on Hind Paws
Royal python (Python regius), curled up around a tree branch
Brown and white classic tabby cat, sitting
Brown mackerel tabby cat, sitting
A seated grey tabby cat, facing forward
Grey-brown cat in defensive posture with arched back and hissing, side view
Female Basenji dog, standing, side view
A Long-tailed field Mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus)
Brown mouse (Mus musculus), side view
light brown cat, side view, crouching on front legs head turned left
A brown and white rabbit
Brown mackerel tabby cat, lying down
Loosely curled Corn Snake, brown and beige diamond pattern with tongue out
Brown and white rabbit, side view
A brown Duck (Anatidae) with four ducklings, side view
Arabian Spiny Mouse (Acomys sp. ), side viewArabian Spiny Mouse (Acomys sp.), side view
Brown tabby cat, standing, side view
A Khaki Campbell duck with three ducklings
Basenji dog standing, side view
Brown bear (Ursus arctos) standing upright, side view
Lyre snake (Trimorphodon biscutatus) hissing, view from above
Striped skunk (Mephistis mephistis) on a rock, side view
Silver Ocicat shorthaired cat with mascara lines extending from eyes to cheeks, lying down
Side / overhead view of a Common Ringed Plover with head in profile, showing the orange billSide/overhead view of a Common Ringed Plover with head in profile, showing the orange bill, white neck ring with black plumage underneath, brown wings, the white underside just visible
Male atlas beetle (Chalscosoma atlas) with wings open
Rear view of a seated German Shepherd Dog (Canis familiaris) showing its bushy, white tail
Hovawart dog, sitting, side view
Brown floppy-eared Domestic Rabbit (Leporidae), side view
Tent olive shell (Oliva porphyria)
Turkish Van Cat, lying down, looking over shoulder
Brown Oriental Ticked Tabby cat
Rear view of brown horse with blonde mane and tail(Equus caballus), turning its head around facing forward
Owl Butterfly (Caligo idomeneus), wings showing eye-spots
Brown dog (Canis familiaris) in play-bow position, front end down, rear end up, side view
Boxer Dog (Canis familiaris) lying on its side, side view
Baby Weasel (Mustela sp. )Baby Weasel (Mustela sp.)
Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius), overhead view
Saker falcon (Falco cherrug), looking at camera
Female cat lying on side, paws outstretched
Russian trotter, standing, side view
A light brown and white, lop eared Rabbit (Leporidae) eating straw from wire basket, side view
Gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica) camouflaged amongst leaves
Top and underside view of Lesser girdled triton (Gelagna succincta)
Brown pony (Equus caballus) with plaited mane, side view
American Water Spaniel, side view
Bush cricket (Katydid) perching on branch, side view
Hucul pony, standing, looking at camera
A Spotted Ray (Rajiformes) swimming
Chinese oak silk moth (Antheraea pernyi)
Ox-heart clam (Glossus humanus), close-up
Underside view of Sharp-ribbed salamander (Pleurodeles waltl)
A cocker spaniel puppy lying down with a ball in front
Iceland scallop (Chlamys islandica), shells
Cuckoo Wrasse (Labrus mixtus), male
Coral Fish camouflaged against Coral
Least weasel (Mustela nivalis) peeking out of moss-covered log
Litter of baby House Mice (Mus musculus) in nest, view from above
French Pyrenean Pointer, seated
Dansk Svensk Gardshund (Danish Swedish Farmdog), side view
Superb starling (Lampropeltis superbus), perching on branch, side view
Melanic Gabar Goshawk (Micronisus gabar) perching on branch, looking at camera
Brown tabby and white cat sitting under leaves of pot plant on patio
Squirrel (Sciuridae) on all fours, side view
Side view of a field mouse, facing forward
Brown Slug, raising head to expose paler underside
Male dog lying on back playing with two puppies, close-up
Fjord Pony
Brown tabby kitten raising its paw and looking up
European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) stitting with pricked ears
Pack of five mongrel dogs, facing forward
Brown puppy playing with pink soft toy, side view
Burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) on top of burrow, side view
Standing chestnut brown foal (Equus caballus) with white markings on face and lower legs, side view
Foal behind a wooden fence, side view
Blaberid cockroach (Blaberidae)
Rove beetle, Emus hirtus, raising the tip of its abdomen while propping itself up on its forelegs, body is covered in thick brown fur, side view
Viperine watersnake (Natrix maura) near a tree trunk, head above water
A pit vipers head, side view
Brown longhaired Dachshund dog, stiing with head in profile
Plaiting the tail of a horse, close-up
Dartmoor pony (Equus caballus), side view
African girdled lizard (Cordylus cordylus), high angle view
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